Thursday, January 24, 2008


Non-point sources are sources that come from different places. The non-point sources of pollution are mostly to do with land development, agriculture, storm water run-off, sewage treatment, forestry, air pollution of vehicles and pollution of air and water activities. Land development is to do with environment spills, more run-off than usual and more liquid in water. Agriculture has to do with pesticides, fertilizers and animal waste. Storm water run-off has to do with oil, chemicals, commercial, and house problems. Sewage treatments becomes a problem when the sewage starts leaking and when bacteria pollution starts to form. Forestry is when there is too much run-off, to many liquids in the water and to much erosion. Pollution of vehicles and the pollution of air is the chemicals which are in the air that forms into the waters. Water activities is oil spills and gas spills which are caused by boats. A major situation you have to watch for in non-point sources is groundwater because if the ground chemicals goes into the groundwater, it can be polluted for millions of years. That lead to serious water problems!

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